Microsoft Teams
iPad – Wifi Configuration
- Go to the “Settings” on your iPad, then click Wi-fi.
You should see “apro” with a blue check mark to the left (The blue check means you are connected)
- If you do not see “apro” anywhere on this page please restart the iPad
- If you do see apro continue to step 2
- After restarting the iPad wait 5-10 minutes if you still do not see the “apro” connection create a support ticket and a member will contact you
- Click on the Blue “i” next to apro
- turn off “Auto-Join” and “Private Address” (if they are all ready off it should look like the picture below)
both icons should now be grey, once they have been turned off restart the iPad
- Once the iPad is back on, go to settings then check Wi-Fi and select “apro”
- It might ask for the password, please enter the password below:
- apro Wifi password: pac1unit
- Once completed you should now be connected.
Please submit a ticket to if you have performed the steps above and are still having issues connecting to wifi.
United Pacific Information Technology | v1-01.2021
iPad - Wifi Configuration
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